jerome pineau

The "no BS" Business Strategy Consultancy


Designed for Product Marketers (PMMs), Product Managers (PMs), Marketing, Product, and Comms teams - in companies who don’t have (or have lost) internal AR talent - this quick and practical no-nonsense course teaches you just enough to be effective in working with IT industry analysts (like Gartner, Forrester, IDC, HFS, etc) without formal AR support.

  • Understanding Industry Analysts
    - Who are They?
    - What They Do
    - Misconceptions
    - Tiering Analysts
    - Top Things Analysts Dislike

    Analyst Firms Landscape
    - AR Pillars
    - The Big Kahunas
    - Analyst Firm Types

    Communicating Effectively with Analysts
    - ABC’s of Analyst Comms

    How to Influence Analysts
    - Leveraging Customers
    - Analyst Ownership
    - Engaging Analysts for Help
    - Remember

    Understanding Briefings
    - What’s a Briefing?
    - Cost of a Briefing
    - When to Brief?
    - Briefing Confidentiality
    - Contents of a Briefing
    - Briefing Decks
    - Remote or In-Person?
    - Briefing Do’s and Don’ts
    - Recording Briefings

    Analyst Product Demos
    - The Demo Trap
    - A Great Analyst Demo

    Understanding Inquiries
    - What’s an Inquiry?
    - Who can Request an Inquiry?
    - Rules of the Inquiry
    - Aligning to Business Goals

    Understanding Advisories
    - Inbound AR
    - Advisories Are
    - Analyst Reports Readouts
    - The Secret about Advisories

    Understanding Reports
    - What are Reports?
    - How to End Up (or not) in Reports
    - What are Reports Called?
    - Report Structure
    - Are Reports Important?
    - Which Report is Most Important?
    - When’s the Right Time?
    - Participating in Reports
    - 4 Pillars of a Report Effort

    Online Peer Reviews
    - Customer Advocacy

    Using Analysts to Support Sales & Marketing
    - AR Pillars
    - Sales & Marketing Assets

    Using Analysts to Support the C-Suite
    - AR Pillars
    - Inbound Strategic Assets

This 90 minute interactive class can be delivered online or in-person. We also offer advanced courses and customized learning modules focusing on any aspect of analyst relations for those who need to get up to speed super quickly and start making real impact today.